General Meetings

There shall be two kinds of Annual General Meeting:


  1. An annual general Meeting of the Association shall be held once every year within six months from the close of the accounting year at the office of the Society or at any such other place as may be determined by the Executive Committee. Such meeting will be called the Annual General Meeting. All other meetings shall be called Extraordinary General Meeting.
  2. The Members shall be given at least 21 ( Twenty One) days notice specifying the date, place, time and agenda of the Annual General Meeting.
  3. In case of Special / ExtraOrdinary Meeting 15 ( Fifteen ) Days notice specifying the date, place, time and agenda shall be given to the members.
  4. The President or Secretary of executive Committee on receipt of a written requisition signed by at least 1/3rd ( One Third) of the total number of General Members of the Society, specifying the nature of business to be transacted at such meeting, shall convene an Extra-ordinary General Meeting within three days. If such meeting is not convened either by President or the Secretary, then the requisitionists may themselves onvene such meeting provided that no business other than the business specified in the requisition shall be transacted in such meeting. The decisions of extra ordinary meeting is to be placed before the Executive committee.


  1. The Quorum for General and Extra-ordinary Meeting shall be 1/4th of the total number of members on the date of issue of notice of the meeting or 6 whichever is higher. However in any adjourned meeting for want of quorum it shall be 1/5th of the members or 5 whichever is higher.
  2. The quorum for meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 1/4th of the members.


  1. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to consider and pass the report of the Executive Committee of last years affairs, the income and expenditure account, to appoint and to elect new Executive Committee members in place of those retiring and to transact any other business which may be brought under consideration by the report of the Executive Committee.The business of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be to transact the business as have been specified on the agenda thereof.
  2.  At all General Meetings the President of the Society and in his absence any one of the Vice Presidents present shall be the Chairman. In case both the President and the Vice Presidents be not present within 15 minutes of the holding of the meeting or if they decline to act, the members themselves shall elect one amongst themselves to be the Chairman of the Meeting.
  3. The Chairman may with the consent of the members, adjourn the meeting but on the adjourned day only left over agenda shall be transacted.
  4. The Chairman of the meeting shall have power to exercise his discretion for smooth conduct of the meeting.